RMAA Group - Russian full service advertising agency has long-standing relations on the advertising market of Belarus, allowing us to guarantee foreign clients the effectiveness and the quality of provided advertising products or services. The republic has established absolutely open, transparent advertising market, various kinds of advertising on popular TV and radio channels, on the Internet and in the printed media are the most effective tools of the market.
Competent planning of an advertising campaign, including selection of advertising media suitable for a particular object and relevant target audience is preliminary to advertising placement in Minsk and cities of regional and of district subordination. In Belarus, foreign brands reach perfect promotion with the help of stylish, original radio and TV commercials. It should be mentioned that the rules of national legislation oblige us to use images of Belarusians and to involve local companies for advertising creation.
There is high competition in the segment of outdoor advertising here. Posters and billboards design is very carefully planned: we are trying to transmit the content by simple phrases, backed with unusual artistic decisions.
In general, to reach the goal in Belarus, RMAA Group along with compulsory principles of legality and social security, enshrined by profile advertising legislation, uses the principle of morality. After all, good-natured, calm and friendly Belarusians do not like obtrusive, aggressive advertising.