Outdoor Advertising in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Install Out of Home Advertising to Establish Your Brand in Nizhny Novgorod

Outdoor advertising is a very popular format in Nizhny Novgorod. This is because it has a number of significant advantages. Positive aspects of outdoor advertising:

1. Manufacturing and installation of outdoor advertising is inexpensive, it is one of the cheapest way to advertise in Nizhny Novgorod.

2. It can not be turned off, so if you decide to install outdoor advertising, be sure that the consumer will not be able to ignore it.

3. The audience is constantly growing. Therefore, the fee for placing an outdoor advertising in Nizhny Novgorod is a profitable investment.

4. To see an advertising messages, you do not need any additional devices.

Formats of outdoor advertising in Nizhny Novgorod

If you decide to place your advertisement on the streets of Nizhny Novgorod, you must first determine the format of placement. It can be billboards, pillars, cross street banners, supersites, roof panels, city formats, digital screens.

One of the best options is a billboard. It looks trustworthy. But if you decide to stop your choice on this format, then you need to choose streets with high passing ability. Pillars are also very popular, because the information is visible both to pedestrians and drivers. Advertising at public transport stops is very effective. After all, the cost of printing is minimal, but the attention of the audience will be high. At transport stops, when people are waiting for the transport, they are trying to keep them busy and your advertising will be a good option for this. Separately, it should be mentioned about production and installation of outdoor advertising on the roof of buildings in Nizhny Novgorod. This format will not stay invisible in the city.

 But whatever format you choose, the main thing is the right choice of a partner who understands the market trends and will be able to pick the best sides for your campaign. RMAA Group will gladly become your reliable partner.


Utilise the best outdoor advertising in Nizhny Novgorod to advertise your brand. Contact RMAA to get professional assistance and support.

1,264 million
Population in 2017

No 5
Big city of Russia

No 14
Ecomony among Russian regions

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