Advertising and Marketing services in Armenia

Advertising agency in Armenia, Media Buying services in Erevan

For foreign companies, which are interested in its promotion into CIS market, Russian communicative agency RMAA Group suggests a perfectly tried and tested procedure of positioning adapted and original local advertising on the territory of Armenia.

Far from every country of post-Soviet space might brag its variety of TV channels and radio stations and varsal availability of high-speed Internet. Because of the difficult economical conditions advertising marketing develops underactive, for example in Armenia. Marketing activity is hampered here also by highlands, a small amount of big and even middle cities, and by a high level of patriarchal population. As consequence new fashioned advertising trends even in capitol city Erevan the most frequently turn inefficient. And RMAA Group has to look out for tested by experience and time classic advertisement tools: audio- and video clips, external and in some measure network advertising.

Theoretically an advertising market in Armenia is regulated by a specialized low. But sufficient liberal legal standards and lax control under its compliance turns a huge number of advertising on TV- and radio air. Although, an advertising clips at this point do not make nervous, because it is satisfy the mentality of people, which do not hold much truck with wickedness and rudeness. According to this, during the organization of advertising policy and creating an advertising gestalt RMAA Group also keeps in mind cultural and mentality specifics of Armenia.

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