CRM services in Russia

Customer Relationship Marketing Agency in Russia, Moscow

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a kind of marketing communications, built on the use of the unique knowledge of current and future customers. CRM is a communication tool that involves direct contact with known customers. In large and medium-sized businesses, the volume of consumers is too large to maintain relationships with them through salespeople, while it is hoped that every call was the most personal. Thus, the required tool must emulate the human approach. It was on this type of CRM we are talking with our customers from different spheres (FMCG, e-commerce, automobiles, banks, B2B), who are interested in an effective approach to dealing with available consumer databases.

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Data sourcing

Proper selection of customer database - the key to success in Customer Relationship Marketing. A variety of database, which may contain totally different information presented in different formats are available to purchase. Today in Russia, you can buy a database of people of some social group, selected by age, gender, geography, income level, membership in any organization; database of the companies engaged in the same industry or region. Having at your disposal a good base corresponding to your needs, you will greatly enhance your opportunities for promotion in the Russian market.

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Data hygiene

It often happens that the finished database is completely unsuitable for effective use in marketing purposes, although at first glance it contains all the necessary information. There are names, names of organizations, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, but the information in the database is incomplete, the data is presented in different formats, or the information is fragmented and ad hoc. A lot of preparatory work is required to use it: the base should be applied data standardization and hygiene procedures; it must be structured and completed. They also should normalize the data and make a clear and understandable data rankings.

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Data actualization

Any information sooner or later becomes obsolete. Data relevance parameter is crucial for customer’s database. You should constantly keep a check on adding new contacts to the database and removing not relevant ones. Many data is updated monthly or yearly: the size of the company, the customer's needs, addresses and telephone numbers, contact persons. It is important to update this information in a timely manner.

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Direct Mail

Distributing advertising information by e-mail newsletters - one of the main tools of the Customer Relationship Marketing. This is a great way to inform your target audience about your offer, down to specific addressees. The content of your newsletter is determined by your goals, it can be the invitation to an event, specific proposals for the sale of any goods or services, catalogs of your products, messages about discounts and promotions. Direct mail has been and will remain the best tool of point interaction. What do you pay more attention on - an e-mail, phone call from a stranger or an envelope delivered by DHL or Pony Express? Marketing is not just what and whom you say. It is also the choice of the right channel through which you convey your message. Besides, mailing by post is a channel with the clearest signal.

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Telemarketing is an old and proven promotion tool with an extremely broad applications. First of all, it is a unique channel of direct communication, allowing to communicate directly with the client and get immediate feedback. This makes telemarketing an indispensable tool for sales, promotional offers and event promotion. There are many recommendations to improve the effectiveness of negotiations with customers on the phone, the most important of which is politeness, unique characteristics of the offer, the ability to identify customer needs and work with objections.

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