Search Engine Marketing in Russia

Search Engine Marketing in Russia

The quantity of the Internet users search for services through the searching systems in Russia is rising with developing and spreading of the Internet. No doubts, the role of searching systems is only growing up. That is why if you expect to attract client’s attention to your website, you cannot avoid using Search Engine Marketing. Website optimization for searching requests and placing advertising in PPC ad systems such as Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords – are the two core elements of the Searching Marketing. RMAA Group performs full complex of services of website developing and search marketing.

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Search Engine Optimization

Today most of all popular social networks in Russia provide an opportunity to advertise. It can be either a user post in a news feed and banner placement. Such advertising has the most flexible targeting settings. Your ads will be shown to users of a certain age, sex or marital status. Ads can also be set to show users in a certain region or in any particular time.

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Paid Search Marketing

RMAA Group performs setting up services of the contextual advertisings in the searching systems. Contextual advertising is a unique way to offer client the product that he is looking for directly at this moment, that is why it has stable high rates of effectiveness. It is known that advertising in searching systems is the most effective in the beginning of sales.

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Paid Social Marketing

RMAA Group performs services of posting ads in Russian social networks. Recently social networks have become a part of lives of millions of Russians. Today the amount of month audience in Russian social networks is more than 50 million people.



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Target Advertising

RMAA Group provides services of setting target advertisement banners in the Russian Internet segment. Banner advert keeps on going to be the key element of digital marketing in the Russian Internet segment. Today, the effectiveness of banner ads mostly depends not on the content but on the placement of it. For choosing the place in the most effective way one should use targeting technologies, which allow bringing your offers to your targeting auditory.

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