Email marketing in Russia

EDM marketing services in Russia

Email marketing stronly established itself as an inseparable part of successful marketing company, as well as an important element for developing relations with your clients or audience. With considerably low price for one advertising contact, Electronic mailings are capable to perform several tasks at once: direct sales, messages about events, responds, supporting client’s interest to your company. Using Email marketing is vital in both b2b and b2c segments. it is a way to directly communicate with people, who take dealing decisions in b2b segment. Email marketing in b2c segment allows to appeal to the large number of people but individually to the each one. Well-written letter sent in the right time and is going to be read by recipient is the important advantage of Email marketing. RMAA Group provides all sets services in Email marketing including searching for data bases and organization of mailing systems.

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Email distibution

The key for successful Electronic mailings is a good client’s data base. Today Russian data bases segmented by numerous factors: region, industry, companies profit, social position and children presence. You can buy ready-made data base or order a new one based on your requirements. Also, remember that data base requires regular updating and control over its quality has to be checked. Apart from ready-made data bases, RMAA Group can offer you the series of mailings for a specific segment from Russian market.

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Email marketing Strategy

Email marketing is very important to attract your client with your mailings. Success from mailing depends on well-made organization of mailing processes: choosing the right mailing service, setting up, choosing the right time and periodicity, finding well-made design, vary text in mailing depending on a customer’s behavior and other settings. Certainly, textual content of your mailings is crucial. All these settings must be cooperated between each other as unified strategy of Email marketing.


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