One of the most effective channels to attract B2B customers is Digital marketing, and Russia is no exception. A foreign marketer or an entrepreneur planning to create a comprehensive Digital strategy in Russia faces many questions – how to work here, what platforms give the best results? RMAA Group provides b2b marketing services and strategies of attracting customers using digital channels includes a variety of solutions.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine optimization and contextual advertising are the important tools for promotion in b2b segment. However, due to a careful selection of a merchant offer and a long purchase cycle in b2b segment, SEO optimization requires different prioritization than in b2c. It is necessary to use a greater number of keywords not limited to basic ones. In addition, it is essential to reconcile successful optimization and high-quality content, as the b2b client will treat the information on your site with more attention.
E-mail marketing
E-mail marketing tool is very effective in b2b segment. In contrast to b2c segment, in b2b it is possible to collect a database of addresses that almost entirely covers your target audience. In addition, b2b customers look favourably on business proposals sent by e-mail. You can solve different tasks by using e-mail newsletters in b2b segment, from establishment of business contacts and invitations to events to exclusive offers and concluding deals.
Content marketing, white paper production & distribution
In b2b segment, you should not disregard content creation. It is very important how your product will be presented. Informative materials for presentations, white papers, unique content for your customers - all this will greatly improve the performance of your promotion. It is also worth remembering that for promotion in the Russian b2b segment, a good understanding of the specifics of the market, knowledge of the main players and the balance of forces in selected branches plays an important role. All of this is essential for adapting your strategy and content for the Russian market.
Social Media Marketing
There is an opinion that the SMM tools are of little interest for advancing in b2b segment. This is partly true: direct advertising on social networks is not useful in b2b segment. However, b2b-companies still need to use the social networks. Firstly, a great way to attract customers is to promote the personal blog of the CEO. Secondly, on the basis of the brand, you can create a thematic community gathering the industry professionals. Thirdly, the social networks are an ideal platform for communication with current and future employees.
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