Solutions for Mobile Apps Developers in Russia

Our marketing solutions for Mobile Apps Developers in Russia

RMAA Group provides mobile applications marketing services (especially mobile games), both on the Russian and CIS markets, and in the Russian-speaking Internet space. RMAA Group Services will prove useful to you if you want to increase awareness of your mobile application in Russia, as well as to achieve the required number of app downloads among your target audience.

Our Solutions

Search Marketing

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An important part of the marketing mix in promotion of mobile apps in the Russian market is a Search Engine Marketing. Search engine marketing has to become the foundation of your marketing strategy, after setting up which you can advance to the further marketing channels. In the field of search engine marketing we offer:

  • Contextual advertising (PPC)
  • Target Display ad
  • RTB
  • Mobile ad solutions
  • Social Media

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Influencer Marketing

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Modern Russian Internet users follow the fashion trends, new tricks on the Internet and mobile industry. Cooperation with opinion leaders (bloggers, stars) will allow you to establish contact with a huge audience. It is important to forge a relationship with bloggers relevant to your product, in order to gain access to their audience. Our services include:

  • Video blogging
  • Social media marketing
  • Collaboration with Key Opinion Leaders

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Affiliate networks

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An integral part of any mobile apps’ marketing campaign is a collaboration with webmasters, affiliate networks, owners of the sites with high attendance. It is very important to consider the quality of traffic, for example, our solutions in the field of affiliate marketing assume payment for the "result", like downloading the mobile app or registration on the landing page.

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Mobile Apps Offline Marketing

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The main tool for promoting mob apps is online marketing. Offline promotion method is suitable not for everyone. Offline marketing is relevant to mob apps without a narrow target audience. Effective promotion of mob apps requires a range of marketing tools and offline events. For every customer RMAA Group experts select the unique recipe for success of the online advertising campaign.

  • TV, Radio
  • Advertising in the press
  • Indoor & Outdoor advertising

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