Advertising on Hit FM

Advertising on Radio Station Hit FM - Russia, Moscow

If your targeted audience is active, dynamic people, aged 18 to 45 years, who keep up with new music and the latest hits, the advertising on Hit FM is what you just need.

Hit FM is a dynamic, stylish, developing radio station. The radio playlist includes the latest hits and new music of our time, as well as favorite songs of last 5-7 years, both native and foreign. Musical selection of radio Hit FM differs with quality appreciated by listeners.

Advertising on Hit FM covers the most of your targeted audience as it broadcasts in more than 400 cities of Russia.

Advertising on Hit FM is a wonderful way to promote your company among the audience of 25 - 35 years old. This is the most active and dynamic part of the audience who loves novelty, prefer to listen hits collections, and know all the news first, including new products and services on the market. So, if you’d like to provide with new product or tell about a unique service, then you could find your audience on Hit FM.

RMAA Group proposes advertising on Hit FM in Russia.

Advertising on Hit FM is possible through:

  • Direct advertising on Hit FM;
  • Sponsorship on Hit FM;
  • Product placement on Hit FM;
  • Competitions, quizzes, special offers, etc.

Advertising on Hit FM is a great opportunity to tell about your company, to present new products to show yourself in a new perspective as a modern, dynamic, stylish company.

Also we would like to bring your attention to White Papers 'How does the media-buying market in Russia work? A media buyers’ quick guide for effective work in Russia. Our E-book is written for professional international media buyers. All professional media buyers are very familiar with their local market and its characteristics. But when they are faced with the challenge of entering a new market, they need to have a grasp of the peculiarities of this new arena.

Advertising on Hit FM, pic. 1

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