YouTube Advertising in Russia

Advertising on YouTube social network – Internet Marketing Services in Russia

YouTube is the number one video hosting site in the world, and Russia is no exception. People can download, view, value, comment, discuss, comment, add to favourite any video on the video hosting source. It had firstly appeared on 14th of Fabruary in 2005. About 2% of total audience are Russians.

About 1 biilion hours of video a day is being viewed on YouTube every day. This social network belongs to Google corporation. That is why there is a great opportunity to track the activity of every user and offer him only that ad, which will definitely interest him. So, the ad in YouTube is suitable for almost any business.

The statistics says that 83% of users notice ad banners on YouTube. About 48% of them will visit the site of advertiser and 60% are interested in advertising product.Every minute there is 100 hours of video downloaded on YouTube. There are videos on any theme you might be interested in, so everybody finds what he needs.


YouTube – social network description

YouTube target audience

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49% of audience of YouTube are people in the age between 18-34 years old. 58% are using smartphones. 68% of users in Russia search video content first of all on You Tube channel. People are watching YouTube for entertainment, educational purposes and news, communication and data exchange.

Extra about ad on YouTube

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We would like to bring your attention to the White Paper 'Digital marketing in Russia. Finding your customers on the internet in Russia — how to go about this'. You can download it for free on the link on the picture to the right.


The monthly audience share of social networks in Russia,%.

Calculated for the period of December 2016
YouTube Advertising in Russia, pic. 5

47.4 mln
Monthly audience reach

Core audience age

74% of Russian



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