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How to improve the Outdoor Advertising Campaign in Russia? A review of effective methods



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The outdoor advertising market in Russia is growing at a steady pace. In 2023, it surged by 45% to reach 48.8 billion rubles. The digital outdoor advertising (DOOH) segment set a new record, increasing by 63% to 26.8 billion rubles. 

It's no surprise that outdoor advertising is one of the most effective tools for marketing communications. This attracts the viewer's attention and ensures high visibility for brands. 

The market will continue to evolve in 2024. New technologies are being integrated and new ways and equipment are being introduced to interact with the audience. Media facades and digital cubes are becoming the new norm. 

Outdoor advertising is no longer just a billboard. It's an integrated platform combining visual effects, interactive elements, and digital technologies to create more personalized and effective advertising campaigns.

We present an overview of best practices and tips for outdoor advertising based on an analysis of current trends in Russia. 

Regional specifics

To ensure effective outdoor advertising placement, it is essential to consider regional nuances and coverage. 

Russia is a vast country with a variety of regions, each with its own unique characteristics, including climate, mentality, and living standards. The effectiveness of creative strategies may vary significantly depending on the region in question. 

For instance, in Muslim regions, the use of female models in swimwear in advertising may elicit a negative response. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there is a high demand for premium brands, while in the regions, mass-market goods are more popular. 

It is also essential to consider the legislative restrictions on advertising in the various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which may pertain to the formats, placement, and content of advertising. As an illustration, the utilization of QR codes in outdoor advertising is currently prohibited in Moscow (starting from December 2023).

Selecting the region for OOH campaign coverage

Major federal outdoor advertising companies such as Maer Group operate in 30 or more regions of Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, and other cities. The brand's extensive regional coverage allows it to be present throughout the country, enabling it to interact with the largest number of potential customers.

It is crucial to select the appropriate regions. A clear example of effective spot advertising is the Krasnoyarsk authorities' campaign to attract tourists in honor of the city's 395th anniversary. Gallery, an outdoor advertising operator, placed materials in Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Khabarovsk, Tyumen, and Barnaul, targeting the potential tourist audience in those regions. 


Improve the Outdoor Advertising Campaign in Russia


The campaign was run until the end of April 2023 and promoted domestic tourism through a variety of formats, including large SS facades. 

As a result, tourist traffic in Krasnoyarsk Krai increased by 49.8% in January-September 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. 

Some brands go even further than government organizations, tailoring their campaigns and engaging with the regional population. Yandex Taxi personalizes its creative for each city it advertises in. 


Improve the Outdoor Advertising Campaign in Russia
Yandex.Taxi service outdoor advertising in Novosibirsk with the slogan “Hello, Novosibirsk!”


The AB InBev Efes brewing company is another successful example. Last year, they launched the ART OF DRINKING social project in 43 Russian cities to mark the Day of Responsible Beer Consumption. The project promotes the idea of responsible alcohol consumption through vivid visual examples and slogans - ‘Don't drive when you've had a drink’, ‘Don't consume alcohol on an empty stomach’, and ‘Alcohol is for adults only’. The campaign utilized a variety of media, including facades, billboards, and public transportation announcements, along with an interactive website offering tests and quizzes. The project partners are retailers, movie theaters, restaurants, and other companies. Unique beer glasses reminding people of the rules of responsible consumption were developed for bars. At the Mori Cinema movie theater chain, the audience could buy popcorn in special pop art glasses with the brand logo on them. 


Improve the Outdoor Advertising Campaign in Russia


Recommendations for increasing regional coverage: 

  • Your product assortment must be tailored to the needs of the residents of a particular city. For example, in regions with a high proportion of pensioners, you should offer more products aimed at this audience. 

  • Place outdoor advertising on billboards and city formats, targeting each city's specific purchasing power.

  • Include local details in your creative. For example, in tourist-attractive cities, you should promote products for travelers. In areas with a high proportion of dacha owners, you should promote products for gardeners.

  • In national republics, advertising integrations with products related to ethnic cuisine, everyday life, clothing, and the traditions of the local population are an extremely effective strategy.

Advertising creatives 

Outdoor advertising is successful when creatives are memorable and attract attention. It is essential to consider not only the visual design but also the content, ensuring it is relevant and engaging for the target audience. 

Top 10 rules for executing creatives competently.

  1. Context. An ad must consider the physical surroundings of the audience to truly make an impact. A billboard advertising sunscreen on the beach is a good example. The sign reads, “Don't forget to protect your skin—use sunscreen!” In this case, the physical environment makes the advertisement especially relevant and persuasive to vacationers on the beach. It's clear to them that they need to use sunscreen.

  2. Сolor. Use contrasting colors that match the background.

  3. Dwell time. The content of the ad must be tailored to the average amount of time people look at it. A short slogan is ideal for a 5-second view.

  4. Product Image. Your message needs to be conveyed visually. For example, use a large photo of a bottle of water.

  5. Branding and logos. Make sure your logo is clearly highlighted so customers can memorize it quickly.

  6. Video and animation. Capture attention with moving elements.

  7. Timing. Schedule your advertising at the right time of day.

  8. Events. Use current events to increase interest. For example, advertise sportswear during the Olympics.

  9. Screen characteristics. You must consider screen size and orientation. For example, vertical screens with full portrait images are the way to go.

  10. Omni-channel alignment. All channels must maintain creative consistency. The same design should be used on billboards and social media.

Our case study for the Blackview brand is an excellent example of an advertising message that takes all of this into account. We also helped adapt the creative into Russian. 


Improve the Outdoor Advertising Campaign in Russia
DOOH Blackview campaign on the facade of the House of Books building in Moscow, by RMAA


Furthermore, the following tools of influence can and should be used:

  • Pain Points

Use advertising creative to communicate with your audience directly, addressing their desires and concerns. 

For example, MTS Jurent produced a colorful ad campaign with a clear message that hit the audience's pain points perfectly: following traffic rules when riding electric scooters is important. 

How it was executed? Images of elephants on purple electric scooters appeared on the streets of Moscow. The elephant was chosen for a reason. Despite the expression "like an elephant in a china shop," elephants are neat and intelligent animals. This symbol is the perfect reminder that riding a scooter requires caution and respect for others. 

Furthermore, the image of this animal was perfectly timed to coincide with this year's popular "Our Elephant Man" meme. The internet is full of examples of this expression being used to describe popular and "cool" people. This makes the elephant on a scooter an accessible and relatable image for people of all ages. The elephant on a scooter even graced the cover of the popular weekly magazine, Teschin Yazik, which expanded its audience reach.



Another example is Skysmart, an online school, which is against school fees.

In its advertising message, it directly addressed the urgent concerns of parents of schoolchildren who are tired of paying for additional materials: blackboards, textbooks, and curtains. The school's new advertising campaign went viral, and it's all thanks to a banner with the slogan “We don't collect on curtains. We just teach children," boldly displayed on the facade of the Flacon Design Factory building (one of the most popular media locations in Moscow) and draped with curtains.

Marketers effectively showcased the key benefit of online education, emphasizing that in Skysmart, every effort and expense is dedicated solely to children's education, with no hidden or additional costs.


Improve the Outdoor Advertising Campaign in Russia


  • Use of humor and sarcasm

Humor and sarcasm are powerful tools for grabbing attention and drawing people to an advertisement. It works well, but you must use humor carefully and avoid overdoing it. Otherwise, the audience will remember the joke instead of the advertised product. 

Here are a few examples of successful campaigns. 

On the eve of the New Year, the brand Siberian Collection launched a creative advertising campaign that used humor to great effect. Media facades in Moscow and Sochi boldly posed provocative questions such as “Did you have it happen in a movie/plane/taxi...”, compelling passers-by to think beyond the ordinary. The punchline revealed that it was about "Siberian Collection" dumplings. 

This clever play on words and unexpectedness created an easy and memorable impression, lifting the mood and making the audience smile. The campaign reached a vast audience across multiple locations, including a media facade on Novy Arbat, interactive billboards at Sheremetyevo and Sochi airports, and Yandex Go LED screens.



By the way, we have already published a comprehensive guide to the top media facades in Moscow and detailed information about OOH opportunities at Russian airports.

Digital technologies in outdoor advertising

Modern technologies are undeniably driving the development of outdoor advertising. In 2024, digital technologies and innovative solutions should be integrated.

Changing creatives and QR codes

Dynamic creatives (DCO) in outdoor advertising is the technology that allows you to change advertising content in real time.

There are three main types of triggers for creative change: situational (weather, traffic jams), temporal (days of the week, hours), and internal (data from CRM). 

You can completely change your creative or adapt it to hundreds of parameters to effectively reach different target audiences. This technology was originally used on the Internet and has been a resounding success in outdoor advertising.

As for the application of QR codes in outdoor advertising, as we stated above, they are prohibited in Moscow because they can lead to internet resources with variable content, which violates the law “On Advertising.” The ban was supported by Konstantin Major, the general director and owner of Maer Media Holding. Major noted that changing the content of QR codes can entail risks, namely hacker attacks. He emphasizes that the Maer company does not use paper carriers and practically does not apply QR codes, explaining to the customers their low conversion rate. However, in other Russian regions, QR codes are perfectly legal and allow the audience to quickly access the brand's resources when scanning the code from the advertising creative. 

Outdoor advertising and events

Outdoor advertising combined with events and promotions is the key to creating unique and memorable campaigns. The Gazprom Bonus is a prime example of a successful implementation of such a strategy. 

The company presented an impressive 3D creative on the media facade of the Maryinsky department store after rebranding. The effect of “flying” icons of discounts and special offers is a bright and memorable campaign.

“Gazprom Bonus” is a subscription constructor including offers from major companies. Interactive advertising elements and unique promotions underscore the brand's cutting-edge approach to promoting its services.



Our experience shows that combining outdoor advertising with a themed event is an effective strategy. RMAA demonstrated this with our success in launching the global Genshin Impact campaign in Russia, gaining visibility for the brand on a global scale. 


Footage of the project in Russia 2:45-2:48, 3:14-3:15, 3:29-3:34; special for Genshin Impact campaign by RMAA


Neural network functions in outdoor advertising

Maer Media Holding has demonstrated the effectiveness of neural networks in outdoor advertising. 

On the eve of International Women's Day, a large-format video postcard symbolizing spring and female beauty appeared on the central streets of Russian cities. The postcard was created with artificial intelligence. The project was a joint effort with the Shum multimedia design studio. Fifty women, eight photographers, six makeup artists, five designers, two videographers, and two media artists were involved. The video postcard was adapted for screens in various Russian cities, proving the success of human-AI collaboration in creating art.



Neural networks are the key to targeting digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising campaigns. This is how it works.

Neural networks analyze a vast amount of data, including demographic information, user behavior, and geolocation data, to definitively identify the target audience. Furthermore, retargeting is employed to show ads to users who have already interacted with the brand, thereby increasing their engagement and, as a result, conversion. 

Synchronizing advertising on DOOH with other digital channels, such as online video and social media, is a notable advantage. It allows for the creation of integrated media campaigns.

And most importantly, neural networks themselves perform a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. 

3D content for volume constructions

We should not forget to use the possibilities of the popular 3D format, which always attracts attention. MTS launched 3D advertising on a new seven-meter-high digital cube placed in Odintsovo. The structure displays cutting-edge optical illusions and 3D commercials that fully immerse viewers in a variety of scenes, from concerts to outer space. Each video showcases a product from the MTS ecosystem, including the KION online cinema and the 5G network.



Key takeaways

Outdoor advertising in Russia in 2024 will continue to flourish, presenting advertisers with new opportunities to capture and engage their audiences in innovative ways. By taking regional peculiarities into account, developing creative ads, and using modern technologies, you can significantly increase brand recognition. The market volume and current trends prove this tool has great potential and should be an important part of any marketing strategy.

Artificial intelligence will continue to have a profound impact on the media and advertising industry. Companies are investing in high-quality video content, personalized advertising, and creative ways to integrate products. 

Next year will see continued growth in the outdoor advertising market, with digital formats increasing in share and technological innovation continuing to affect the industry. Furthermore, digital equipment will continue to be introduced in the remaining regions of Russia that still use traditional billboards. Subscribe to our blog to keep up to date. 

RMAA will assist you in implementing OOH/DOOH campaigns in Russia and CIS. Contact our manager now by filling out the form

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About the Author

Expert in Media Buying. Julia specializes in optimizing and executing strategic media placements across Russia & the CIS region.

Author Julia Korepanova

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