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Best 2021 TikTok Brand Advertising Campaigns in Russia



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The challenge format turned out to be the most popular way to attract the audience to the interaction.

TikTok For Business marketing platform summed up the results of 2021 and collected case studies of companies that launched new trends and opened up additional opportunities for business promotion on the platform. Brand campaigns are divided into the following categories – the most useful, the most inspiring, and using the most tools.


S7 Airlines has launched a TikTok mockumentary series. The heroes of the project are real passengers of S7 flights and professional TikTokers — Elizaveta Savchikhina, Pavel Ryazanov, Anastasia Borsuk, Aleksey Barsukov and Ruslan Sabelgera. In the brand's TikTok account, you can find funny videos about a man who flies for the first time in his life, about that very friend who loves to make plans, and a video about an anxious traveler who always worries that he forgot something.

#EngageMillionsofCreators are campaigns that inspired users to create together

To engage the audience in interaction with advertising content, TikTok has the Duet and Brand Effect tools. The platform has collected the best examples of their use in the past year.

Samsung has partnered with music artist and TikTok blogger Rakhim Abramov to promote the release of the new Galaxy S21 Ultra smartphone. In the video, the musician invited subscribers to participate in the creation of the video and publish their ideas with the hashtag #RakhimSnapUsingGalaxy. After that, 21 videos were selected, which were shot on the Samsung Galaxy 21 Ultra and used in the "Swipe", musician's new video. According to TikTok, videos made using the track of Rakhim Abramov as part of an advertising campaign have gained more than 45 million views.

To attract the attention of users to the release of the updated Hyundai Elantra model, Hyundai launched the hashtag challenge #StartElantra with a branded interactive effect. Participants were asked to try to control the Hyundai Elantra directly using the movements on the smartphone screen and collect as many blue balls as possible. Users took advantage of the novelty by making more than 23,000 videos.

Sber created a hashtag challenge #SberDances in honor of its 180th Anniversary. TikTok users got the opportunity to use the Branded Effect and dance with Philip Kirkorov's AR avatar to a remake of his hit "Zayka moya". As a result, about 60,000 videos using Branded Effect were published on the platform in six days.

To promote the new “Ne-Tariff” tariff, MTS launched a hashtag challenge #NEtanetsMTS on TikTok. Users had to dance like the musician Niletto, filming it on camera. More than 24 million people have watched videos as part of the campaign.

#RevealBrandMission are the campaigns with the help of which brands broadcast the mission and solved socially significant tasks

The brand of chocolate bars Snickers for its thirtieth anniversary in Russia has launched a contest under the hashtag #BeTrue and a corporate brand effect. As part of the challenge, it was necessary to show others “your true self”, that is, to film what the author really likes to do. As a result, the company selected 10 winners, whose faces appeared on the media facades of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Otkritie Bank launched a Mother's Day campaign on TikTok for the second year in a row. As part of the hashtag challenge #PostcardToMom, users had to redo their childhood photos. To start the project, the Bank attracted stylists and creators – Karina Nigai, Dima Yevtushenko, Igor Andreev, Lisa Vasilenko, and others. They were the first to replicate their childhood shots, and some bloggers invited their mothers to take part in the filming of the video. Especially for this campaign, Otkritie created a branded jingle in the style of 2000s melodies. The most creative participants received special prizes from the Bank.

#MakeTopCampaign360° are the brands that have used multiple tools to maximize campaign impact

To promote the new Oreo-flavored ice cream, Froneri also used a hashtag challenge format and a branded effect, the #OREOIceCream project was additionally accompanied by a music track. The campaign was supported by popular authors, and in order to attract as many people as possible to participate, the brand announced it using additional platform advertising tools: TopView and In-Feed Ads Brand Premium. According to TikTok, videos created by creators using the track and branded campaign effect have over 41 million views.

Yandex, using the hashtag challenge format and branded effect, sought to reflect the changes in the design of the new Station Light smart column. Participants of the #AlisaLight project had to imagine themselves in a role that would accidentally fall out of the list, for example, "Romantic" or "Not like everyone else." The video with the branded effect of the campaign was viewed 31 million times.

The cosmetic brand also launched its first hashtag challenge #EsteeLauderMantra. The branded effect created as part of the campaign was a magic ball that changed the appearance of users. The project was launched on the shortest night of the year to highlight the magical effect of the product, and the brand announced this using In-Feed Ads tools. The reach of Estee Lauder videos reached almost 5 million views.


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Head of Digital, editor-in-chief of the RMAA Agency Blog

Author Yulia Vasilyeva

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