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Advertising on Telegram. How to analyze the results



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Advertising integrations on Telegram are one of the most popular means of promotion in Russia in 2022. This trend can be explained by transfer of users from other social networks. There are a huge number of potential audience, fast and accessible format of cooperation with channels, possibility to place posts of various forms (from native to direct advertising), an acceptable budget for the campaign, etc.


What is the “effective” side of using this tool? Let's imagine that the advertising campaign has been run, the integrations have been posted. How to evaluate the result of the work done?


RMAA experts have provided recommendations based on their own examples.

Important metrics to analyze the results of advertising on Telegram
No matter what format will be chosen for advertising integration on the messenger, there are some indicators without which it is impossible to analyze the effectiveness of promotion. They are directly related to the number of impressions and budget. They indicate how relevant advertising funds were spent on this or that advertising campaign

Post reach is the number of views of a post in the channel. As a rule, this metric is checked after 24 hours of advertising. Telegram post gets a significant number of views during the first 6 hours. However, there are some details that you can familiarize with before ad integration by viewing the resource statistics.


Click is a target action that a user performs after viewing the post. A click leads the audience to a third-party resource, Telegram channel of a brand or chatbot.


CPC (cost per click) is the price an advertiser pays for each click on the ad made by a user. It is calculated by the formula: the advertising budget is divided by the number of clicks.


These metrics allow you to analyze the campaign ROI. Depending on where the click should lead the user, additional tools and indicators are added to the analysis of advertising integration.

Let's explain in detail.

UTM tags

You cannot do without them if the advertising post leads to an external resource. Since the main indicator of effectiveness in this case will be the number of clicks from the post.


Since an advertising campaign on Telegram is often broadcast in several channels simultaneously (or on several social networks simultaneously), we recommend adding the following parameters to UTM:

  • utm_source_telegram - source;
  • utm_medium=paid_placement - type of advertisement;
  • utm_campaign=channel_name - name of the channel where the advertisement was placed;
  • utm_content=post_12_07 - publication release date, if there were several posts or links in one channel.

Often the link turns out to be long: ?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=studyhardmotivation.

Therefore, the following work options are possible here:

  • The first is to insert a link into the text of the post.
  • The second is to reduce it with the help of special programs ( - the same link, only a short one) and place it at the end of the post.

Or - use both options at once.

post in telegram

The example of an inserted post into the the advertising text


To analyze the results, you need to connect Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. In both cases, the platform will show a report for the required period, in which tags with traffic sources and targeted actions on them will be published. The number of visits and unique visitors from each Telegram advertising post will also be reflected.


Ideally, your resource should also be connected to the metric in order to know what targeted actions are performed by visitors. For example, you went to the website, looked at a specific product, or made a purchase, etc. It gives both an accurate idea of the results of the campaign and also allow you to understand what optimization mistakes must be corrected.


This year we launched campaigns on various resources to promote a new application related to online services including Telegram. The analysis of integration results demonstrated that users of the channels we selected are interested in the application (mainly in "education" and "self-development" themes). Due to the fact that a metric for target actions was connected to the product itself, we saw at what stage users stop using the application.

It was a function of complex registration via email that was replaced by a simplified version by the next campaign. Thanks to this, there have become much more registered users in the application.


In other words, in ad integrations on Telegram aimed at attracting an audience to an external resource, key performance indicators will be the number of clicks on it and the number of targeted actions.

Invite links

This format is needed when advertising is aimed at promoting your own brand channel. At the same time, the main result of this tool will be tracking users who have subscribed to the channel.


The invitate link is made and edited in a few clicks. You need to go to the settings of the channel, select the “Channel type”, then click on “Manage invitations". The “Create a new link" function will appear. It has its own settings: time limit and number of users, link name (it will be useful if an ad will be displayed in several channels simultaneously).

invite links in telegram

The example of creating an invite link for a telegram channel


Next, the link appears, which you need to copy and add to the post. This functionality will also be in the section “Manage Invitations ”. When users click on the link and subscribe to the channel, the service will record it and show (taking into account unsubscriptions).


There are several ways to track the effectiveness of an invitation link. One of which is to use the TGStat service with a base of 40 thousand Russian and foreign channels. You need to find the partner channel in the search bar, click on the “Channel Statistics" function. Then select the “Advertising Efficiency” parameter. Advertising posts  with invite links, ad date, post views and subscriber growth will be reflected on the right.

tgstat service

The example of the analysis of advertising post with invite links on the TGStat service


When using an invitation link as a tool to attract users to the channel, the main performance indicators will be the views of the post and the number of new subscribers.

Right conclusion
When analyzing advertising integration, the following is considered:


  • Post reach
  • Number of clicks
  • CPC
  • Specifics of the advertised product


In the promotion of goods/services designed for a wide audience (consumer goods, online games, clothing, etc.),  CPC will be less, and there will be more views and targeted clicks for sure.

In the case of advertising of specialized products, or if the company is just entering the market, the situation will change, and CPC will become higher. This is normal. It often happens with the promotion of cryptocurrency services, in the segment of medicine, real estate, and so on, or with campaigns aimed at “promotionof the brand's Telegram channel.


Let's make a conclusion:

The ultimate objective of a campaign on Telegram is not to achieve a high rate of views of an advertising post, but to optimize budgets for promotion and search for potential customers among messenger users. Therefore, there is no way to do without the assistance of experts.


Learn more about Telegram channels in our previous article: How to get Telegram channel analytics. Popular services 2022


Searching for relevant Telegram channels, chats, bots for ad integrations, testing of various advertising approaches and creatives, connecting additional services, detailed analytics with campaign results - this range of tasks is implemented by RMAA experts taking into account the specifics of a particular business and the characteristics of the messenger audience. Trust the professionals to increase the number of applications and potential customers interested in your product.



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About the Author

A content lead. Natalia runs marketing projects promotion with different digital tools in the Russian-speaking market. 


Author Natalia Gorenkova

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