Advertising creatives for targeting on myTarget. Formats and technical requirements
Different advertising platforms have their own rules to publish creatives. Let's take a closer look at the formats of creatives that can be used for targeting on myTarget.
Advertising on PRO VKontakte: the main formats and technical requirements
Check out the technical requirements of the PRO VKontakte advertising cabinet for working with creatives.
Advertising on Telegram. How to analyze the results
Advertising integrations on Telegram are one of the most popular means of promotion in Russia in 2022. What is the “effective” side of using this tool? How to evaluate the result of the work done? RMAA experts have provided recommendations based on their own examples.
Telegram channels analytics. Services overview 2022
Telegram is one of the most promising platforms for promotion on the Russian market. However, we, as an agency, constantly face with is that many people have experience of unsuccessful advertising on Telegram. In this article, we decided to pay more attention to advertising integrations on Telegram. We will discuss an important stage of preparation for advertising, which is channel analytics.
Specific Features of Promotion of Pharmaceutical Brands in Russia. Part 2
Let's talk about social networks, promotion which can be aimed both at attracting additional traffic to the website, and at developing your own brand pages within specific social services. In contrast with Yandex and its tools, running campaigns here will develop in a bit different way.
Specific Features of Promotion of Pharma Brands in Russia. Part 1
In 2021, the number of online orders in online pharmacies increased by 30% compared to the previous period, online sales increased by 34% as a whole, and the total volume of the pharmaceutical segment amounted to 2,295 billion rubles. In 2022, the average amount of expenditures for online purchases of medicinal products has become even more, 438 rubles per person (+34% compared to 2021).
Promotion of a Medical Brand in Russia. Checklist for the Promotion of Clinics 2022
Promoting medical brands and services in Russia has never been easy for implementation due to a number of restrictions and strict legislation. Besides, in 2022, all businesses operating in this segment faced new problems related to the blocking of many tools within the territory of the Russian Federation.
How to Promote a Game in VK Play
VK Play is a platform for gamers, developers and creators, which today is the only analogue of Steam in Russia.
Steam Analogue in Russia and CIS: How to Get into VK Play
VK Play is being developed as a single access point to gaming and near-gaming content in Russia and therefore should offer the most diversified catalogue.
Video Advertising as One of the Promotion Tools on the Russian Market. Trends 2022
The total cost of video advertising on the Internet in 2021 reached 32.9 billion rubles, which is 1.5 times more than the total budget for radio advertising and the press (22.2 billion rubles). However, in 2022, it completely changed the habitual means of communication with the audience.
Advertising Market Overview 2022
The market decline can be from 30% to 70% this year. At the same time, though the situation is unstable, but still the volume of advertising has not returned to the indicators of 2008. And this still gives hope to get out of the situation with minimal losses by the end of 2022.
Return to the Russian Market: How Foreign Brands Change Owners and Resume Their Work
Despite the sanctions restrictions, after which most foreign companies had difficulties to work in Russia, none of them is in a hurry to leave the market. The only difference is that brands approach this issue in different ways.
Where Are We Going? Russian Tourism Market in 2022
From January to March 2022 citizens of the Russian Federation made 3,880,679 trips abroad for various purposes. This figure is much higher than in the same period of 2021.
Influencer Marketing in Russia. The Main Trends of 2022
Experts of the Association for the Development of Interactive Advertising (ADIA) are confident that interest in influencer marketing in Russia has only been enhancing over the past years.
Entering the Russian Market. Key Niches and Opportunities for New Brands
Since the beginning of 2022, almost 1000 foreign companies have left the Russian market. In this connection, a lot of niches of the Russian market have become promising for new foreign brands.
Gaming Industry in Russia 2022. Market Review and Possible Prospects for Development
The Russian video game market grew by 9% in 2021 (177.4 billion rubles). In addition, in 2019 market volume was considerably smaller and amounted to 121.3 billion rubles. Against the background of such indicators, the Russian video game segment was “predicted” to grow steadily, at least by 5% per year until 2025.
Effective Ways to Promote VPN-Services on the Russian Market
Over the past months of 2022, the Russian market has undergone a lot of changes caused by sanctions and imposed restrictions. The situation has dramatically changed the market of games and applications, as a result of which various VPN services have taken leading positions in the segment.
The Potential of Cryptocurrency on the Russian Market
54% of those who know something about cryptocurrency are ready to keep their savings in crypto assets. Moreover, 14% already have experience to sell/buy crypto products.
Сhanges in the Buying Behaviour of Russians During the Sanctions Period
Due to the tightening of the sanctions policy towards Russia, many foreign companies had to leave the region in early March 2022. After that, the Russian market began to change dramatically in all areas of its activities.
Future of the Advertising Market in Russia 2022. Is There Any Hope?
At the beginning of 2022, Insider Intelligence experts assumed that the growth of advertising costs on the Russian market would average 7.5% ($6.89 billion). However, in March, the situation changed dramatically, as well as the political situation in the world.