Back to the Future: What is in Store for Business Tourism in a New Decade?
The survey showed that almost half of respondents (47%) consider business trips to be still important for business: neither video conferences (chosen by 15% respondents) nor 3D holograms (20%) will manage to replace personal presence at negotiations.
Tourists Told about Travel Planning Issues
Tourists consider an application for a visa to be the most difficult stage in preparation for a travel. 24% respondents who took part in a new survey told about it.
Feedback and Its Influence on Brand Reputation
Search results affect choices and decisions to buy or collaborate with one or another company. That is why it is important to monitor what is written about you, your company and products on the Internet.
Russians with Kids Prefer Beach and Excursion Vacations in Europe and Russia
Most often, travellers with children get to the destination by plane (78.8%), but families with one child fly 10% less often than large families. 11.6% go by car and 8.5% by train. At that, travellers with one child prefer a car to a train almost 3 times more often.
Podcasts for Travellers—Follow the Trends!
Many experts note that podcasts in Russia have gained a second wind this year. So, according to Yandex.Wordstat statistics, Russians’ interest to podcasts has grown twice within the last year, while the dynamics of podcast discussions in social media has increased 4 times.
Social Media, Games, and Music: Online Preferences of Russians under 18
Brand Analytics, the Russian media space analytics service, analyzed 1.78 billion Russian-language messages and found out preferences of youth under 18 years of age.
Growing Flow of Tourists: Where Russians Went in First Half-Year 2019
According to the latest numbers of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the outbound tourist flow from Russia grew by almost 9% in the first half-year of 2019, as compared to the same period in 2018.
Activities of Auto Brands in Russian Social Media: What Content Do Drivers Prefer?
Social media is one of the key channels to communicate with customers. This relates to auto manufacturers, too. Each brand is presented in three and more social media in Russia.
Where Russian Tourists Want to Go
Within the last year, 29% Russians have made tourist trips. Russians are ready to spend more money on overseas than domestic vacations. Russians would like to visit Italy and France, as well as Turkey and the USA most of all.
Popular Destinations in Summer 2019: Learning Russian Tourists’ Queries
Based on web requests, Yandex experts decided to learn where Russians spend their holidays this summer, which countries and resorts have become fashionable in recent years and which ones, on the contrary, became less visited. For this, tourism queries were studies, i.e. ones, to which Yandex replied with links to popular tourism websites.
Every Tenth Russian is Planning a Trip Relying on Bloggers’ Advice
The most popular answer among female respondents was websites with travellers’ reviews—27% respondents address them. Among men, this option is as popular as feedback and recommendations from their friends and relatives: 20% admitted that they chiefly trust them. Women, unlike men, cater to their friends’ feedback a bit less (18%).
Inspirations of Experiential Marketing in the Russian Market
Experiential marketing makes it possible to step away from the standard communication model in advertising when we try to tell something to a consumer and to proceed to a more interesting model—customer engagement.
How to Promote Auto in the Russian Market
The Russian car market is one of the largest and most attractive ones in the world arena. There is no doubt that Russians are happy to buy new cars; therefore, a marketer’s task is to understand what triggers work for newbies and mature drivers, what ads will be more effective and how to use human emotions to increase brand awareness, brand confidence and, along with that, boost car sales.
Profile of a Modern Russian Traveller
Before booking an air ticket, a buyer’s final decision is influenced by a wide range of factors, from its cost to a convenient mobile app to look for information about the flight. Google analysts, backed by Kantar TNS, undertook a study and determined what matters for Russians when choosing air tickets, how much time is required to make a decision to purchase them, as well as what vacation destinations are most popular.
What Ads in Russia Pay Off Better?
In 2017, the average ROI for all media channels was 0.97, i.e. every ruble invested in advertising brought 97 kopecks of a short-run effect on sales (during the placement and up to 3 months afterwards). In Europe, the average ROI varies from 0.2 to 0.4, which is related to higher costs of ads in the Western world.
Destination Branding and Marketing: Country Positioning in the Russian Travel Market
Destination marketing and branding covers a lot of tools and channels, by means of which an attractive travel product is created. Today, practically every country and even separate region and cities develop their brands.
10 Inspiring Travel Blogs of Enthusiastic Travellers from Russia
It is bloggers who largely influence the perception of basically any tourism brand by modern tourists. However, there is a question: where and how do you find travel bloggers? We decided to make this task a bit easier for representatives of travel industry and made our selection of 10 amusing travel blogs of enthusiastic travellers from Russia.
“The Russian Tourism Market Report: Trends, Analysis & Statistics”, Update, 2019
In order to understand not only the current state of the travel market, but also to evaluate its dynamics, it is important to follow the updates of data. And if you are interested in Russian tourists attraction, then our updated research “The Russian Tourism Market Report: Trends, Analysis & Statistics” will help you to find out what’s new in the Russian outbound travel market.
Mass Market Travel and Tourism: Russian Tour Operators and Travel Agencies
As of December 2018, the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators contains 4,377 companies, with more than 530 of them dealing with outbound tourism.
Hospitality and Travel Marketing: Tips to Promote Destinations Overall and Attract Russian Tourists
Hospitality industry is not about business or economy. It is a wider notion including tourism and catering, service and entertainment, food, organization of museum and excursion activities and many others.