Mechanics of Brand Promotion on Telegram
We work with Telegram and we know that it has its own specific features. In the article we will tell you about the peculiarities and specific features of this service and promotion techniques for your brand or channel on Telegram.
Market Overview: Popular VPNs in Russia
The number of users of VPN services in Russia is increasing every day. Experts are sure of this, having registered a record percentage of installations in the region on March 14 – by 11, 253% compared to previous years. Most likely, this figure will increase further.
Promotion of Cryptocurrency in the Russian Market
In Russia, cryptocurrency advertising is officially allowed UNLESS it acts as a means of payment for goods and services (The Law “On Digital Assets”). In other cases, advertising content can be freely broadcast to various resources.
How Sanctions are Affecting the Russian Market. Possible Prospects For Further Development
In spite of the fact that domestic brands have been successfully selling their products on the market, it stands to mention that most of them use raw materials imported from other, "unfriendly" for Russia, countries. And this is the case of various economic spheres.
Branded Games: Review Of Successful Case Studies In Russia 2021
It is already the case that own games for brands are a powerful tool to enhance user engagement, increase sales and solve specific business problems. And successful launches of branded games grow into events that go viral due to discussions on social networking sites and online media.
myTarget Instead of Facebook Ads. Specific Features of Targeting on Russian Social Networks
myTarget is an advertising platform by, where you can configure an ad display on the company's services (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World) and on partner resources. On myTarget, you can scale up an advertising campaign and launch it on multiple platforms at one and the same time.
Migrating from Google Ads to Yandex Direct. What Do You Need to Know Before Launching an Ad?
On March 3, the Google Ads advertising system announced the temporary suspension of advertising to users located in Russia. For companies promoting their products and services on the Russian market, there is an alternative - the Yandex Direct advertising system.
There have always been alternatives in Russia. VKontakte remains the largest social networking service. According to Brand Analytics, daily number of active Russian-speaking authors on VKontakte exceeded 3.5 million people in February-March 2022, increasing by approximately 500 thousand, and the number of posts reaches 14 million.
What Kind of Real Estate Russian Investors Buy Overseas? Promising Trends 2022
According to official data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at the end of 2021 the volume of Russian investments in foreign real estate increased by 61% compared to 2020 and amounted to $1352 million.
Chatbots in Russia: Overview of Services
Having analyzed the market, RMAA experts have prepared an overview of the most popular chatbots in Russia, which differ in basic functionality.
Special Projects in Tourism: How to Launch a Successful Campaign in Russia
Advertising special projects are an opportunity for tourism brands to do something beyond the usual scope of marketing activities and stand out from the rest of the travel market players.
Best 2021 TikTok Brand Advertising Campaigns in Russia
TikTok For Business marketing platform summed up the results of 2021 and collected case studies of companies that launched new trends and opened up additional opportunities for business promotion on the platform in Russia.
RMAA Agency experts presented a list of the most memorable advert videos in the Russian market where one can see what characters and what creative approach was appreciated by the modern Russian audience in 2021.
2022 Tourism Market Trends in Russia
The focus on sustainability, safe travels, health care, ecotourism and other tendencies of 2021 will still stay with us in 2022. However, preferences of Russian tourists have changed a bit in the context of rapidly changing conditions for travelling, which has also affected newly emerged market trends.
Business Analysis: How to Analyze Market Trends and E-Commerce Niches
In this article, RMAA Agency experts tell what tools let you find data on every item, as well as what conclusions the business analysis should make and how to draw them.
Ads Personalization as One of Conversion Growth Factors
Brands can build more effective communications with their audience by means of relevant personalized messages. For example, a video ad at the beginning of a video can increase purchase intent by 5% through more relevant personalized ads.
How to Choose a Blogger on TikTok and Get Recommended
It is extremely difficult to predict reach on TikTok. You can place an ad with a blogger having 100K+ followers and get fewer than 10,000 views, but a reverse situation may happen, too: a video of an author with 5,000 followers can get 30,000 views. What is more, the situation is the same for most TikTok creators—the number of followers does not guarantee any coverage.
Game Industry Boom In Russia: What Gamers Spend Money On
Within the first five months of 2021, the number of purchases via gaming resources in Russia has increased by 30%, as compared to the same period in 2020.
2021 Destination Marketing: Best Post-Pandemic Video Ads
We put together the best advertising video clips and other marketing videos of countries that, in the opinion of our experts, were most original among tourism brands of destinations in 2021.
Where Should You Go to Have Your Game Localized into Russian?
According to data from the analytics company Nimdzi, Russian is one of the leading languages in which people play video games. In 2020, 22.52% of all games on Steam (7,842 games) were available in Russian.